Finding Your Printer IP on Windows
1) Go to the Start screen. Click the Start menu or the Windows Orb in the bottom-left corner.
the desktop’s corner
2) Navigate to the Control Panel. The Start menu will display the programmes and files that you can access
open. Click “Control Side” on the right panel.
3) Navigate to the Devices and Printers tab. In the Control Panel, go to “Hardware and Sound,” then
On the next menu, select “Devices and Printers.”
4) Write down the model number on the back of your printer. Your printer is listed under “Printers and Fax Machines.”
The printer should now appear. Compare the model number to the one listed in the menu.
5)Obtain your printer’s IP address. Right-click the printer and then select “Properties.” You should notice a field titled “Location” under the General tab. Keep an eye out for the appear to the right of the label. This is your printer’s IP address.
the figures that
Finding Your Printer IP on Mac
1) Go to System Preferences. In the upper-left corner, select “System Preferences.”
This will bring up a window with several alternatives.
2) Select “Print and Scan.” A new window should open, with the installed printers displayed in the left pane.
3) Select your preferred printer. Click on it to do so. There is a lot of information in the description area on the right.
4) Determine the IP address. The location of the printer, or its IP address, is what we’re looking for in the description area. It should appear in grey text immediately after “Location,” along with all of the other descriptions for the selected printer.