Have you ever been in the staff lounge, pumping yourself up for your big presentation, only to realize you forgot to print off a crucial addition to your report? You quickly run to your office and jump on your computer, to find your laptop has decided to undergo updates. You frantically watch the update status, your heart rate rising with each tiny creep of the progress bar. Eventually your computer turns back on, you access your report, and send the much-needed file to the printer, then collapse in your chair. Unfortunately, you’re not in the best headspace to give your presentation anymore.
Remove the printing stress
However, if your office had implemented cloud printing, this all could have been avoided. Sipping on your coffee, you realize your crucial oversite, pull the file up on your phone, and send it to your Toshiba printer. As you are comforted by the gentle whirring of the printer down the hall, you finish your coffee, ready to give the presentation of a lifetime.
Cloud printing is an efficient, easy way to cut out the middleman of a possibly stressful process.
Simple and Compatible
Available for download with your Ricoh Smart Printer, you can do everything with these smart apps.They are compatible with programs such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft Office 365, enabling you to print onsite or offsite with the click of a button. By investing in a multifunction device with cloud and mobile printing capabilities, you’ll ensure printing is a breeze for your staff.