Change Your Print Settings
Some of the common printer settings that can be changed include:
- Duplex Printing – Duplex, or “double-sided,” printing is one of the easiest ways to cut print costs. For every two printed pages, duplex printing only uses one paper sheet. Duplex printing is perfect for intra-office communications and basic print needs.
- Draft Mode Printing – Many printers have an option to print in “draft” or “fast draft” mode. This mode effectively reduces the DPI of the printer, resulting in a lighter print that uses far less ink or toner. This is a great way to print office documents and make internal copies.
- Multiple Pages per Sheet – Do you print a lot of slideshows or text-heavy documents? You can print multiple pages on one sheet to drastically reduce paper use. Just make sure your font is large enough to read when scaled down.
- Limiting Color – Color printing can be a significant expense. Black and white printing are sufficient for the vast majority of in-office print and copy jobs. Even a logo at the bottom of an email can be subject to color charges, so adjust your printer’s settings to print in color only when necessary.
Simplify Your Paper Supply
- reducing the paper supply can lead to big savings. For instance, instead of buying paper specifically for inkjet or laser printers, buy multipurpose paper.
- keep specialty papers (like colors, heavier weights, and non-A4 sizes) boxed and away from the printer. Employees should only use these resources when they need them.
Set Up Permissions and Rules
- set up user permissions and restrictions. This is a great way to get costs under control and monitor excess use.
- lock down the printer to print or make copies, users will be required to enter a passcode or identification number. You can then track print jobs by individual users.
- advanced filters and permissions. These features let you further track and control printing. With ConnectKey you can restrict printer access by user, department, or even time of day.
Consolidate Print Devices
- device consolidation is deciding what you need, for example, don’t need to give employees personal printers. Replacing ten employee printers with one central device saves power, reduces technical issues, and makes cost tracking easier.
Embrace a Digital Workspace
- A great way to reduce your office’s print costs is to “go digital.” More and more offices are embracing a digital environment and reserving printing for essential uses only.
- take advantage of cloud-based services like Google, Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft, OneDrive. These services allow multiple users to log in simultaneously via the web. They can then store, update, and share files in the same system, thus eliminating the need to print so many documents.
- Advances in scanning capabilities also make it easier for companies to manage documents and reduce the amount they print.
Replacing Old Equipment
- Inefficiency – Older printers don’t print as fast as new devices, and they use more ink or toner for the same jobs. That leads to higher costs per print.
- Repairs – Old devices often require frequent repair calls that cost large sums of money. You could use that money instead to purchase a new printer. Newer equipment is less likely to require as much service.
- Compatibility Issues – Newer hardware might not interface with older devices well. Technical developments such as cloud scanning, wireless printing, and mobile print often are not possible with older devices.
- Energy Use – Older devices use more power than newer ones with energy certifications. This results in higher bills and a greater impact on the environment.
- Less Control – Newer printers can automatically track and report usage, efficiency, and other important metrics to help you optimize your environment. They can also support custom rules and restrictions to give you more print control. Older devices often do not support these features.
Use Managed Print
- Cost Control – Better visibility into your printing habits allows you to optimize your environment and reduce costs.
- Paper Supply – Supply levels are remotely monitored and automatically shipped to your front door.
- Proactive Support – 24-hour remote monitoring to catch and fix problems before they affect your systems.
- One Invoice – Streamline the process for service and supplies and write one check for all your printing needs.

MPC3503 ( rent & purchase ) (5)
MPC3503 ( rent & purchase ) (6)