Windows 7

  1. Open the Start Menu and select Devices and Printers from the menu on the right side.
  2. In the top bar, click ‘Add a printer’
  3. Select ‘Add a local printer’
  4. Click Create a new port, and in the dropdown menu, select Standard TCP/IP Port
  5. Type the IP address into the box labeled Hostname or IP address, and click next.
  6. Windows should either automatically detect the driver, or you will have to search in the list. If it isn’t in the list of drivers, click Windows update. After a time, the driver should appear in the list.

Windows 8

  1. Use windows search and type in printers.
  2. Click on the option for Devices and Printers.
  3. Select ‘Add a local printer’
  4. Click Create a new port, and in the dropdown menu, select Standard TCP/IP Port
  5. Type the IP address into the box labeled Hostname or IP address, and click next.
  6. Windows should either automatically detect the driver, or you will have to search in the list. If it isn’t in the list of drivers, click Windows update. After a time, the driver should appear in the list.

Windows 10

  1. Follow the menu path Start > Settings > Devices.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Devices and printers.
  3. Result: The *Devices and Printers” window opens.
  4. Click Add a printer.
  5. Click The printer that I want isn’t listed.
  6. On the Add Printer screen, choose Add a Local Printer or network printer with manual settings, then click Next.
  7. On the Add a Printer/Choose a printer port screen, choose Create a new port.
  8. From the Type of Port pop-up menu, choose Standard TCP/IP port and click Next.
  9. In the Hostname or IP address field, enter the IP address of the printer, e.g.,
  10. Result: The port name will be automatically populated, based on the IP address.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Result: The Install the printer driver window will display choices.
  13. Select the printer make from the left-hand column. Then choose the printer model from the right-hand column.
  14. Note: If you do not see an exact driver match, you may wish to install the printer drivers from the printer manufacturer website, or from media supplied by the manufacturer at the time of the printer purchase.
  15. Click Next.
  16. On the Type a printer name window, enter a printer name. Then click Next.
  17. Choose Do not share this printer. Then click Next.
  18. If desired, select Print a test page.
  19. Click Finish.

Windows 11

  1. Open Start Menu>System>Bluetooth & devices
  2. Click Printers & Scanners
  3. *Click *Add device
  4. *Click *Add Manually
  5. Click Add a printer using an IP address or hostname
  6. *Select the *TCP/IP Device Device type with the down arrow
  7. In the Hostname or IP address field, enter the IP address of the printer, e.g.,
  8. Click Next
  9. Select the printer make from the left-hand column. Then choose the printer model from the right-hand column.
  10. Note: If you do not see an exact driver match, you may wish to install the printer drivers from the printer manufacturer website, or from media supplied by the manufacturer at the time of the printer purchase.
  11. Type Name of the printer
  12. Select Do not share this printer
  13. Click Finish


  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Select Print and Fax
  3. Click on the +
  4. Select the IP tab
  5. In the Address Bar, type in the IP address, Leave the Queue box blank, enter the name you want to use for the printer, and Choose either the Generic PCL or the Generic Post Script Driver, unless you have a different driver file to use.
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