You’ve probably heard of Software as a Service. Businesses are increasingly discovering that it is more cost-effective to hire platforms such as software as a managed service, with a monthly cost of operation, than it is to purchase and maintain that technology in-house. SaaS applications range from email and CRM to storage and cybersecurity services.
However, not all aspects of your business can be handled digitally. Many aspects of your business still require paper, and where there is paper, there are printers. So, if you can sign up for Software as a Service, can you also sign up for a print service?
Yes, and you might be surprised at how cost-effectively managed
The answer is yes, and you may be surprised at just how cost-effective managed print services can be for your business.
How Do Managed Print Services (MPS) Work?
Understanding the difference between in-house printing and the MPS model is critical for understanding the value of a managed print application.
In-House Printing: What Usually Happens
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: a small business owner or IT director walks into a big box store or does some online bargain hunting and purchases a fleet of desktop printers. They buy whatever is cheapest, and the printers are overworked.
When toner is needed for the printers, a purchaser orders it from another big box office supply store. Nobody cares about how much it costs… It is, after all, just toner. It is required by the printers. What plan do you have?
What happens if a printer fails? That’s time and energy taken away from more important tasks by the IT department. And if they can’t figure out how to fix it… You could find a repairman, but why bother when you can return to that big box store and purchase a replacement for less than $200?
So desktop printers are treated as a disposable asset, and the supply and maintenance of the print fleet is handled entirely by internal company departments. The costs are not being tracked or managed.
The Managed Print Difference
Managed Print, on the other hand, is a comprehensive solution designed to relieve you of the day-to-day maintenance of all your print devices.
When printers fail, a service technician is dispatched to repair them. Parts, labour, and toner are all included. Fleets are organised to maximise efficiency. There was no time taken from the IT or purchasing departments.
And all of it is available at a reliable, budgetable monthly fee.
Is Print as a Service Really Affordable?
That monthly fee might be reliable, but is it affordable?
At first blush, it may seem strange to think that a service that streamlines your process and adds convenience could actually be a cost-savings measure, too. Since when can you get more, and pay less?
The answer comes down to efficiency.
Why are print costs so high? Because desktop printers are, traditionally, not very efficient. Toner is expensive, especially when you’re buying toner that’s provided by the original manufacturer. And companies have treated desktop printers as disposable, so they incur replacement costs that aren’t necessary. Thorough and mature managed print services companies, on the other hand, will offer comprehensive Print as a Service.
- Service that can efficiently fix a printer that would otherwise be thrown away.
- Service that can provide high-quality toner at a lower cost than most big box office supply stores.
- Service that can provide a great overall strategy for your print environment to help lower your overall cost per page printed.
Customers are often surprised by how much their inefficient desktop print fleet is costing them, (in some cases, it can account for 1% to 3% of a company’s revenue,) and how much of a difference it makes to take a managed approach.