Keeping track of the methods used by criminals to obtain your confidential information is a full-time job. Here are a few vital steps you should take now to secure your multifunction systems.

Securing Your Multifunction Systems

Encrypt Data in Transit

Data encryption makes information worthless to hackers. Their tactics are often of the “smash and grab” variety, and most won’t waste time on encrypted data. As information travels through your network from employees to your multifunction printers and from the device to other locations, it could be intercepted by hackers. Making sure your data is encrypted helps protect your company from a security breach.

Encrypt Data at Rest

Multifunction printers require the same level of security protections as your company’s computers. MFPs contain hard drives that store information as it passes through the operating system. Encrypting this stored data is essential. You’ll also need to ensure that all data is erased or the hard drive destroyed at the end of your printer’s lease agreement.

Enhance Phyisical Security

You can minimize security risks by controlling who accesses your equipment, including securing the physical area. For some organizations, locating the equipment in a common area where employees pass by on a regular basis is enough to discourage unauthorized use. If, however, your company is large enough that no one would notice a stranger, choose a more secure location for your multifunction printers and require the use of card readers.

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