
Scanning sensitive documents, such as your passport, can be convenient for backup purposes, but it also poses a security risk if not done properly. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when scanning sensitive documents:


1. Use a high-quality scanner: Use a scanner that produces high-quality images and has advanced security features, such as encryption and password protection. 

2. Store the scanned images securely: Store the scanned images in a secure location, such as an encrypted hard drive or a password-protected cloud service. 

3. Keep the scanned images up-to-date: Regularly update the scanned images to ensure that you have the most current version of the document. 

4. Double-check the scanned images: Double-check the scanned images to ensure that they are legible and of good quality. 

5. Dispose of physical copies securely: Once you have scanned the document, securely dispose of the physical copy by shredding or burning it.


1.Share the scanned images: Do not share the scanned images with anyone who does not have a need to see them. 

2.Save the scanned images in an unsecured location: Do not save the scanned images in an unsecured location, such as an unencrypted hard drive or a publicly accessible cloud service.

3.Leave the scanner unattended: Do not leave the scanner unattended while scanning sensitive documents. 

4.Use a public scanner: Avoid using a public scanner to scan sensitive documents, as you cannot guarantee the security of the scanner or the location where the scanned images are stored. 

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can safely and securely scan your sensitive documents for backup purposes.

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