While it seemed like printing would be totally out of style and off the budget once the internet took over the work world, the reality has been dramatically different. While digital communications and integrated collaboration has definitely lead the way, no office can operate effectively without print.
From the essential documents that are hard copies to the necessity of reading or recording in paper, some offices, businesses, and employees just prefer having some printed material on hand. Some clients require hard copies, and some communications must be in paper. In short, printing isn’t going away any time soon, so it’s time to get a handle on it.
Common Print Problems
What’s outdated now is the style of printing and managing print. In the past, self-managed printing made sense, where individuals would oversee the print materials, supplies, and necessities like maintenance.
This has changed a ton in the last few years, with the advent of managed print.
Why? Because self-managed print was costly, first of all, but also it resulted in some never-ending print issues that included:
- Costly print environment
- Excessive printing
- Wasting hard copies
- Over ordering supplies
These problems are completely avoidable when you outsource print management.
Managed Print is Your Answer
That’s right – if print isn’t going anywhere, it’s time to manage it correctly. That means finally taking the time to learn the basics of managed print (in short: it will save you money) and how to implement it at your office.
Managed print is a service that provides comprehensive print oversight, including supply ordering, maintenance management, print audits, policy recommendations, fleet management, and more.