Printing may be your organization’s last great unmanaged task, but there’s a way to get it under control. Print Audit Managed Print Solutions help companies reduce unnecessary printing, eliminate redundant devices, and bring costs back in line.

How Much Do You Spend?

If your company has never experienced a managed print assessment, the answer to the above question is probably a lot more than you should. On average, companies undergoing a thorough cost analysis of their print infrastructure discover annual costs as high as 3% of revenues, and document-intensive organizations can spend much more than that.

How Much Would You Rather Spend?

Printing costs often go undetected, and for many companies, there’s little time to do anything about it. If you’d like to see your print budget stay in line with your expectations, Print Audit Managed Print Solutions can provide the way forward.

  • Print Accountability— Do you know who’s printing what and why they’re printing it? Print Accountability shows exactly how your printers are being used, and with new rules and limits in place, you can get start paying for business-critical documents only and stop footing the bill for the rest.
  • Supply issues— Is your supply closet bursting with too much toner—much of it outdated or for devices you no longer own? Or perhaps your closet doesn’t hold much of anything, which could be the source of those project stand-stills you’ve been facing lately. Either way, a better solution is to allow Print Audit to monitor your devices and send supplies when you need them.

Print Audit Managed Print Solutions gives you one less thing to worry about, and we’ve only begun discussing the benefits. One thing is for certain—with your print environment finally under control, you’ll have more time to spend on the business at hand.

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