The Windows operating system hides specific files and folders, such as system files, by default to prevent users from accidentally deleting or changing them. However, discovering your computer’s hidden files is required in some cases to protect your business data, such as determining whether malware or a virus has created hidden files on your system. Although finding the hidden files may appear difficult, if you have an administrator account on your work computer, you can access the settings to view them in a matter of minutes.
1.Move your mouse cursor to the lower-right corner of the screen.
2.Click the “Search” charm and then select “Settings.”
3.Type “Folder” in the Search bar and then click the “Search” icon to reveal the list of results.
4.Select “Folder Options” from the list to open the Folder Options window, and then select the “View” tab.
5.Select the “Show Hidden Files, Folders and Drives” check box in the Hidden Files and Folders section of the Advanced Settings box.
6.Click the “Apply” button to save the changes, and then click “OK.”