Many printers allow you to print documents, images, and other materials on a variety of papers such as transparency, stationary, canvas, and poster board. You must adjust the printer settings for the thickness of paper that you are using for your printer to print properly. Paper jams can be avoided by adjusting the paper thickness setting.

1.Press the “Menu” button on the printer.

2.Press the up and down arrows on the printer keypad to select “Custom Paper.”

3.Press “OK.”

4.Press the up and down arrows to select the thickness level. The printer often provides a number range to indicate the level of thickness from 1 to 15 with 1 being a standard sheet of paper to 15 being very thick. Your printer’s user manual indicates the best setting for each type of paper being used.

5.Navigate to the document you wish to print on your computer and open.

6.Click “File” from the top-menu and then click “Print.”

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