Being too busy to take a break is a sure sign that you need to slow down and hit the pause button; here are the top five advantages of incorporating regular breaks into your working day.
We’ve compiled a list of the most compelling reasons to take regular, well-timed breaks during your workday.
- Breaks aid in the processing and retention of information
Our brains operate in two modes: focused and ‘diffused.’ Our brain is more relaxed and in a ‘daydream’ state when operating in diffused mode. Some studies have found that when we’re in this diffused state, we solve our most difficult problems – for example, how many times have you had a brilliant idea while daydreaming in the shower? Instead of forcing yourself to find the answer, try letting your mind wander and find its own solution the next time you have a difficult problem to solve.
2. You’ll gain a better understanding of the big picture.
It’s all too easy to lose sight of the bigger, more strategic picture when you’re focused on the minutiae of a complex task. Take a break, take a step back, and reassess your goals and priorities to ensure that you’re focusing on the right tasks and projects. This broad perspective is especially important for managers, who must maintain their focus on strategic goals while avoiding distractions from process-driven tasks that could be delegated to other members of their team.
3. You will be more inventive.
According to Kimberly Elsbach, a management professor at the University of California, Davis, “never taking a break from very careful thought work actually reduces your ability to be creative.” “It kind of exhausts your cognitive capacity, and you can’t make the creative connections you can when your brain is more rested.” If you’re skipping lunch in order to maintain a high level of cognitive capacity, you’re probably not doing yourself any favours.” Allowing your brain to rest and recharge, just as an athlete would allow their body to rest after a race or training session, will recharge you for the next task.
4. Breaks can help you develop healthier habits.
When you’re stressed and busy, healthy habits like eating nutritious meals, exercising, and getting enough sleep can easily fall by the wayside. Taking a proper lunch break allows you to incorporate these healthy habits into your regular working day, whether it’s making time to prepare and eat a meal packed with fruits and vegetables (rather than grabbing a store-bought sandwich or ready meal) or running or walking outside. You could even try to fit in a 20-minute nap, which will free up space in your working memory for new information and assist you in committing new knowledge to long-term memory.
Taking frequent breaks from your computer or smartphone screen can also aid in the prevention of computer vision syndrome, which commonly manifests as eye strain and headaches. Medical professionals recommend taking a 20-second break from your screen and looking at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
5. Taking frequent breaks allows you to be more productive.
Implementing a regular break schedule will also provide you with a series of mini deadlines to work towards, which can motivate you to complete a task more quickly. And all of the advantages of taking regular breaks that we’ve already discussed – aiding in information retention, understanding the big picture, cultivating creativity, and adopting healthier habits – will eventually combine to allow you to work more productively and effectively.